From your admin backend, go to Settings > APIs. At the bottom you will have to fill out the info from your Paypal account.
These info are not the credentials you use to connect to your Paypal account. Here is what you need to do to set it up:
FIRST, If you don’t have a Paypal account, you need to create one. Please go to and sign up for free.
Your Paypal account must be “premium” or “business”.
Here is what you need to set up Paypal in your mobile app:
- Paypal API username
- Paypal API password
- Paypal signature
The process is simple but need some requirements. First open and log-in.
Under your name make sure your status reads: Verified. If your account isn’t verified you have to verify it by Paypal.
Then under the tabs click on “Profile” or “Preferences” and “More options”. Then click on “Settings” form the left menu, and if you have a Personal Account you have to upgrade to “Premier” or “Business” for free:
From the left menu click on “My Selling Tools”, and then on “Update” in the “API access” section:
Then click on “Request API credentials:
Then choose “Request API signature”, and click on “Agree and Submit”:
Then go in your Siberian Backend, Settings > APIs, and fill out the Paypal fields with your info:
Your Edition is now ready to receive payments with Paypal.
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Dans le siberian backend apis de paypal on demande de fournir la signature cela correspond à quoi est ce le code Fingerprint fourni par paypal API certificate qu'on doit utiliser.
Venkat Chinniah
// Then go in your Siberian Backend, Settings > APIs, and fill out the Paypal fields with your info: //
I find no such paypal fields in the back end! :(
Please help.
Thanks and regards,
Venkat Chinniah